
Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block

Easily manage suppliers and purchase orders.

Improve your supply chain & inventory performance

Automate Your Purchasing Workflow

Automatically generate RFQ based on your stocks level

Improve your Purchase and Inventory performance with procurement rules depending on stock levels (Min & Max), logistic rules, sales orders, On hand & forecast Qty etc. Auto generate Receive Order and convert purchase order to Accounting.

Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block

Effortlessly Manage Products And Invoices

Easy-to-use product receivers, returns and quality control

Never lose track of your partial shipments with our automated generating back orders.


Get Supplier Pricelists and Product Availability

You deserves the best price from your suppliers

Never lose track of your supplier's stock availability and order status. You can even base your sales price by easily importing your suppliers' price lists and references. You can also make smarter purchase decisions based on promotions, quantities and special contract conditions with our hassle-free application.

Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block

Get Exclusive Insights Into Your Suppliers and Purchases

Analyze, forecast and efficiently plan your orders

  • Get the most out of your suppliers' through accurate performance reports-delivery delays, negotiated discounts, quantities purchased and etc.

  • Identify your contracts' profitability with our purchase integration and analytic accounting system 
