
Modern open-source online store


Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block
  • Awesome Product Pages.

  • Mobile Friendly 

  • Easy 


Building Your Online Store Has

Never Been So Easy 

Simply drag & drop pre-made building blocks to set your desired elements into place. Edit text inline straight on the web page to fine tune the product description, characteristics and images.

Emphasize your best products on your storefront. Add alternative products and product attributes like color or size. Customize the color, layout and font of your theme.

Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block

Increase Your Average Cart Revenue

Sell more with upselling. cross selling and product variants.

Show visitors similar but more expensive products from your catalog

Offer extra products related to what the shopper puts in his cart

Allow your clients to customize their products with different colour, size and more.

Personal Customer Portal

Where customer can consult shipping statuses invoices and delivery orders.

Provide your customers with a complete 24/7 access to up-to-date information through a dedicated customer portal where they can track their orders, download their invoice or delivery order and manage their return and claims. No need to navigate across multiple documents - everything is centralized in one place.

Odoo text and image block